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화성탐사와 우주인선발정책연구 SCIE저널 유럽출판 / 데이비드 윌리엄 김(교양대학) 교수 | |||
교양대학 데이비드 윌리엄 김(David William Kim)교수는 영국 왕립역사학회(The Royal Historical Society, UK) 석학회원이고 오스트레일리아 ANU-InSpace Mission Specialist로 활동하고 있는 가운데 우주과학과 인문융합분야 (Space Science and Humanities Integrated Section) 한국연구재단 장기프로잭 일환 (2022-2025)으로 화성탐사 프로잭에서 아직 미제로 남아있는 Human Research Programs (HRP)에 연관된 미래 화성우주인 (2033) 선발기준에 대한 새로운 연구를 미국 하버드대학교와 NASA 휴스톤 방문연구로 그 성과를 이루어 space medicine, human factor, astrobiology, astrophysics, life science, space politics, security, space exploration, space wellbeing 분야 학자들 가운데 개척자적인 연구로 인정받아 이번에 유럽 SCIE저어널에 출판하게 되었다. 아래는 원문 (Astronaut Selection and Potential Risk Management: Psychological Trauma and Resilience for Mars Space Mission) 일부를 간략하게 소개하고 있다.
However, is the current short-term mission policy suitable for deep space travel conditions? If not, how can it be improved to ensure the safety of the space community? While no single method can perfectly monitor astronauts’ psychological well-being, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment holds promise for predicting individual personality types, strengths, and preferences (Fetvadjiev and van de Vijver 2015, 752–776). This self-report inventory of internal consistency consists of four dichotomous scales: Introversion/Extroversion (IE), Thinking/Feeling (TF), Sensing/iNtuition (SN), and Judgment/Perception (JP). While the MBTI, in conjunction with Carl Jung’s four temperaments, may not be considered a strictly scientific theory, it efficiently identifies “individuals 16 personality characteristics not only to professionals, but also to the individuals themselves” (Coulacoglou and Saklofske 2017, 267)…
The environment faced by deep space astronauts would be challenging and demanding, with various risk levels. Selim Aren and Hatice Nayman Hamamci define this as ‘risk aversion behaviour’ (Aren and Hamamci 2020, 2651). The way an individual interacts, reacts, and behaves with their colleagues is something that can be ambiguous to measure, especially in emergencies. For example, Psychometric Personality Differences Between Candidates in Astronaut Selection (a research paper) shows that “the candidates who failed in basic aptitude testing showed higher levels of neuroticism than those who passed that phrase” (Mittelstädt et al. 2016, 933). Therefore, risk-taking behaviour should be considered a key factor in the astronaut selection process for a successful Mars mission…